Игра Престолов. Робб Старк. Восстание Грейджоя. Мысли о Потерянном Рае, Джона Мильтона.

🇬🇧🤙🏻Game of Thrones reading.
Now it’s time for Robb Stark.🗡
Ребята закончил чтение истории Робба Старка одним дублем
Интонация грустная, уклон в сторону северного акцента с элементами южного.
Сам Робб Старк в сериале говорит не полностью на северном, как Джон Сноу например
или его отец Эддард Старк. У него такой микс с южным.
Это упражнение для самого себя. Тренируйте стихи, пересказы, тексты. Делайте вызов самим себе. Импрувизируйте в языковом пространстве. 
Моя версия чтения:


Robb Stark: «Dark wings, dark words».
I was only a boy when the raven came to call my father, Lord Eddard Stark, to another war.
Balon Greyjoy had raised the Iron Islands in revolt, and burned the Lannister fleet at anchor.
King Robert Baratheon again needed his old friend.
My mother, Catelyn, was not happy to lose her lord husband to Robert again.
Six years earlier he had left her to avenge his father and brother against the Mad King.
But now he had sons and daughters of his own, and, unspoken,
another son who was not hers from the last time he went to war: my brother, Jon Snow.
But she knew that in marrying my father she had married the North,
we hold our honor and duty as dear as our own gods.
When the time came, my father marched south to restore peace and order to the realm.
My father always told me the Iron Islands were a strange and dangerous place.
Its people, the ironborn, keep neither the Old Gods of the Forest nor The Seven, and despise all honest toil.
Their ancestors ravaged the western shores, raping and slaving and putting it to the torch.
Their songs still ring through the halls of the ironborn;
while everywhere else they are whispered to wayward children at bedtime.
Perhaps Lord Balon thought Westeros had not healed from the war against the Mad King
and was as fragmented and suspicious as the ancient kingdoms his forbears had terrorized.
Robert’s navy corrected him at Fair Isle, when they smashed the proud Iron Fleet.
Robert and my father corrected him at Pyke when they pulled down his towers and breached his walls.
My father never liked to speak of his battles, but I had learned from other men what transpired:
Thoros of Myr was first through the breach with his flaming sword.
Not far behind him was Jorah Mormont of Bear Island, my father’s bannerman who earned the knighthood he would later shame,
and lords from every corner of the Seven Kingdoms.
All day through every passage of the castle they fought side by side:
my father with our ancestral sword Ice and King Robert with his warhammer, against a horde of axe-wielding ironborn.
In the end, Lord Balon bent the knee.
King Robert generously allowed Lord Balon to retain his title and castle.
The price of peace was custom:
The only son of Balon’s to survive his foolish rebellion would be taken as a hostage against future treasons.
My father even volunteered to foster the boy himself.
I suspect that it was to make Theon Greyjoy a different man than his father,
who would bring honor and duty to the Iron Islands when he returned as heir.

So my mother’s silent fear came true, and my father returned with another child.
Theon ate with us, played with us and fought with us.
Once the great bond between my father and Robert Baratheon united the realm against the Mad King, and brought him to justice for his crimes.
Now, another monster sits on the Iron Throne, and another debt of blood is owed my family.
Theon is my murdered father’s ward; I am my murdered father’s son.
Like my father and Robert, bound in blood if not by blood, we are brothers.

🎙Много месяцев прошло.. а я всё бывает думаю об этой потрясающей книге:
Джона Мильтона: Потерянный рай.
John Milton: Paradise Lost

Я и не мог себе представить, что венецианский театр или star wars саги, это всё об одном и том же. 
Эта старая пластинка которую заела, но никто не осмелится её выключить. Это не просто война добра со злом в разных сценах. Это четкий библейский сюжет, но персонажи так замаскированы. 
Даже люди. Как такие фильмы высмеивают самих людей☝🏻(мы не представлены как люди). У создателя star wars Джорджа Лукаса, был четкий каркас старой битвы, в период создания людей и битвы на небесах. Новая надежда, Империя наносит ответный удар и возвращение джедая… это четкий библейский сюжет Мильтона. Волшебник из страны Оз.. тоже самое. Каждый персонаж просто ложится на венецианский театр. 
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿Джон Мильтон меня потряс. По настоящему.
Английская поэзия и я не знаю, но даже в переводе это гениально.
Влом читать, но YouTube послушайте. Ссылка.

Фраза весь мир — театр, приобретает абсолютно другой смысл. Как же специально запутан это мир… 
🇻🇦tale, quale (такое, какое есть). 

Если Я сказал вам о земном, и вы не верите, — как поверите, если буду говорить вам о небесном? 
(Евангелие от Иоанна 3:12) 
If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? 
(John 3:12)
Спасибо за прочтение, друг.